What is a Toronto Raptors Personal Seat License (PSL)?
If you purchase PSLs from a current season ticket holder, you become the
new season ticket holder for those exact seats for all future seasons.
The Ticket Office will invoice you for the season tickets each year for
as long as you continue to purchase the season tickets. The previous
season ticket holder will no longer have any rights to those seats. The listing price is ONLY for the PSLs and does not include the cost of any tickets.
Who sets the prices for the listings?
The price of each listing is set by the seller at whatever amount the
seller chooses. A buyer can submit an offer at whatever amount the buyer
is willing to pay for the listing. If the seller accepts the buyer's
offer, then we will proceed with the transfer based on the agreed price.
If the seller does not accept the offer, then the seller can submit a
counter offer to the buyer. The counter offer helps the buyer determine
the next offer amount. All asking prices and offer amounts are in
Canadian Dollars.
Do my Raptors PSLs give me the right to purchase Maple Leafs tickets?
In some cases the PSL is a "Combination" license that gives the
buyer the rights to both Maple Leafs season tickets and Raptors season
tickets. "Combination" PSLs are denoted by a Maple Leafs logo in
the listing. The seat location for the Maple Leafs may be different due to
hockey arena configuration. The Maple Leafs seat location is clearly
denoted on the Make Offer page.
Why does each offer expire after 48 hours?
The seller has 48 hours to respond to each offer in order to ensure that buyers receive a quick response to their offers. If a seller allows multiple offers to expire, then the listing will be removed from the website.
How long does it take to complete a transfer?
The Maple Leafs PSL transfer process can take 3-4 months to complete. The PSL Marketplace will keep the buyer and seller informed as the transfer progresses.
What time zone is used to determine the expiration time for an offer?